Thursday, 3 April 2014

Glasgow Climbing Centre

I was up in Glasgow for the SYBC (Scottish Youth Bouldering Competition) on Saturday (5th April 2014) and I had a spare day before the competition so I visited Glasgow Climbing Centre. 

The first thing I noticed when I walked in was the massive stain glass window. It was very pretty but probably meant it was going to be very cold (no surprises there!). Also, it was in a church and had an old feeling about it, even though it was quite light inside.

The majority of the centre was leading and almost all the walls had some sort of features. A spiral staircase near the entrance led into a basement bouldering room. It had all different kinds of angles and problems to try but wasn't very high. There were lots of new-ish holds and I enjoyed the setting. On the ground level there was a features only boulder bloc pushed into the corner of the centre. My home wall Boulders in Cardiff has no features at all so it was interesting to climb on something so different. 

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